CISF Constable Recruitment 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

CISF Constable Recruitment 2014 (123 Vacancies)
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) invites applications from Indian Candidates for filling up following temporary posts of Constables (Bandsman-cum-GD) in CISF. Eligible candidates apply on the prescribed format on or before 8th February 2014.
Post Name
Total Vacancies
Age Limit
Pay Scale
Constables (Bandsman-cum-GD)
18 to 25 Years (Age relxation as per Govt. Rules.
PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/- plus usual and admissible allowances.
Instrument wise Vacancies: Trumpet - 01; Bb Euphonium - 08; F Horn - 03; Eb Bass - 12; Oboe - 04; Bass Drum - 05; Piccolo Flute - 01; Side Drum - 09; Bb Tenor Saxaphone - 07; Eb Alto Saxaphone - 04; Bass Trombone - 01; Cymbal - 05; Eb Clarinet - 09; Bb Clarinet - 13; Bassoon - 01; Bb Cornet - 16; Bb Tenor / Slide Trombone - 09; Bagpipe - 12; Tenor Drum (Bug er) - 03.
Educational Qualifications: The candidate should have passed Matriculation (10th Class) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
Physical Standards:
For General, SC, OBC Candidates -> Height - 170 Cms; Chest - 80 Cms (80-85 Cms)
For Far-flung Area Candidates -> Height - 165 Cms; Chest - 78 Cms (78-83 Cms)
ST Category Candidates -> Height - 162.5 Cms; Chest - 76 Cms (76-81 Cms)
How To Apply: Application on the prescribed proforma along with required documents should be sent to any of the authorities prescribed below along with requisite application fees of Rs.50/- in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under column below and payable at the post office. SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.
Name of the Officer to whom application should be sent
Postal Order on account of application fee required to be drawn in favour of
Name of the post office where postal order will be payable
DIG, CISF (East Zone) Patliputra Near Raj Chikitsa, Boring Road, Patna, Bihar - 800013
Assistant Commandant/ DDO CISF East Zone, Patna
GPO Patna
DIG, CISF (West Zone) CISF Complex, Sector - 35 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharastra -410210
Assistant Commandant/ DDO CISF West Zone, Navi Mumbai
GPO Mumbai
DIG, CISF (North Zone) CISF Campus, Saket, Post: Malaviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110017
PAO CISF New Delhi
GPO New Delhi
DIG, CISF (South Zone)  Rajaji Bhawan, 'D'Block, Besant Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600090
Assistant Commandant/ DDO CISF South Zone Chennai
GPO Chennai
DIG. CISF (North East Zone) Premises No.553, East Kolkata-Township Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700107
Assistant Commandant/DDO CISF North East Zone Kolkata
GPO Kolkata
The Last date for receipt of application is 08/02/2014 (In case of residents of North East Region by 15/02/2014).  The envelope containing above documents should be super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE/BANDSMAN-CUM-GD IN CISF - 2013”

Punjab University Jobs 2014

Punjab University Jobs 2014 Desk Top Printing Operator

Punjab university (One of the oldest Universities in India, Established in 1882) invites application for the post of Desk Top Printing Operator (Type Setting and Designing) at Dept. of Press, Punjab University, Chandigarh. The post is purely on Temporary basis. Eligible candidates apply on or before 10th January 2014.
Post Name
No of Post
Desk Top Printing Operator
Rs. 20,000/- per month
Educational Qualifications: 10+2, with proper experience of 3 to 5 years in the market showing working experience of Coral Draw, Page Maker, Photoshop and M.S. word office Internal candidates may also eligible to apply.
How To Apply: Applications on plain paper along with attested copies of certificates shall reach the office of "The Manager, Punjab University Press, Sector- 14, Chandigarh" by 5 pm on or before 10/01/2014.

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014

EXIM Bank Recruitment 2014 Managers

Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) invites prescribed format of applications from qualified and experienced professionals for the recruitment of Managers in vatious areas of expertise. Eligible Persons apply on or before 31st January 2014.
Post Name
No of Vacancies
Age Limit (As on 01/12/2013)
Scale of Pay
Manager/ MM-II
16 (General-09, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04)
General - 30 Years, SC/ST - 35 Years, OBC - 33 Years
Educational Qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in required Discipline (Except Legal - Bachelor's Degree in Law).
How To Apply: Applications on the prescribed format. Completed application along with photograph and other documents reach to "The General Manager-HRM Export-Import Bank of India Centre One Building, Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005." The last date for receipt of application is 31/01/2014.

Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Recruitment 2014

Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Recruitment 2014
Liaison Officer

Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited (HPC - A Government of India Enterprise) Kolkata needs a Liaison Officer at the level of Executive (E-1 grade) for its JPML registered office located at Luknow.
About: HPC, a Schedule-A with its Headquarters at Kolkata and 4 manufacturing units - two directly managed mills in Assam and one each in Kerala and Nagaland managed through Subsidiaries -with an annual installed capacity of 2 lakh tones of writing and printing paper and 1 lakh tonne of newsprint.
Post Name
No of Post
Age Limit
Liaison Officer
25-30 years as on 01.01.2014
Rs.30,500/- per month
Educational Qualification & Experience: Any Graduate with good Communication Skills with 1-2 years post qualification experience in liaisoning work preferably with Central & State Authorities for implementation of the project.
How To Apply: Interested Candidates may submit their bio-data in the prescribed format along with a recent passport size colour photograph, copies of certificates, caste certificate, proof of age etc., reach to “In-charge, HR & ES , Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, 75-C, Park Street, Kolkata - 700 016” within 15 days of publish of the advertisement (15/01/2014).

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