TIDCO requires Account Officer

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

TIDCO requires Account Officer


Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (TIDCO)
Application for the one post of Account Officer

Name of the posts  - AO
Vacancies – 01 MBC and Denotified communities 
Qualification – ACA / AICWA
Age – 24 – 35 years
Experience – Minimum 2 years of post Qualification Experience  in any reputed industrial organization / Public sector undertakings.
Pay-Scale – Rs.15600-39100 Pay band – 3 & Grade Pay Rs.5400 (In addition to the basis pay, grade pay and DA, other allowances will be paid as per rules of this corporation)

Last Date 15 days from the date of advertisement (Dated: 20.11.2013)
For more information:http://www.tidco.com/upload/001.jpg 

Shamrao Vithal Bank Jobs 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Shamrao Vithal Bank Jobs 2013 – Customer Service Officer / Customer Service Representative

Shamrao Vithal Bank, a 106 years old Multi State Scheduled Bank, ranked among the top 3 Urban Co-operative Banks in India with business mix of around Rs. 16000 crores spanning over 147 establishments spread across 8 states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Shamrao Vithal Bank invites applications from candidates meeting the following eligibility criteria for the post of Customer Service Officer & Customer Service Representative of the Bank.
1) Post Name - Customer Service Officer in the Officer Grade
Educational Qualifications - Second Class Degree of a recognized University / Post Graduate / Double Graduate of a Recognized University with minimum 50% marks in the aforesaid examination.
Age Limit - 32 years
Age Relaxation - The age norm may be relaxed up to 3 years in the case of Clerical Staff from other banks who have passed at least JAIIB / CAIIB – I examination and are in the Clerical Cadre.
Salary / Pay Scale – The monthly Gross Salary for the post of Customer Service Officer in Officer Grade will be Rs. 18,500/- approximately.
Syllabus – Examination will comprise of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and General Awareness.
2) Post Name - Customer Service Representative in the Clerical Cadre.
Educational Qualifications - Graduate of a Recognized University with minimum 45% marks and adequate knowledge of computer application.
Age Limit - 30 years
Salary / Pay Scale – The monthly Gross Salary for the post of Customer Service Representative will be Rs. 11,700/- approximately.
Syllabus – Examination will comprise of Reasoning, Numerical Ability, English Language and Clerical / Computer Aptitude.
How to Apply:
Candidates meeting the above eligibility criteria may apply online between November 15th, 2013 to November 30th, 2013 through SVC Bank website careers section.
Applications only through online mode will be accepted.
The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Divisional Manager – Human Resource Management
5th Floor, Corporate Office, SVC Tower,
JN Road, Vakola, Santacruz (E), Mumbai – 400055

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh Recruitment 2013

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh Recruitment 2013

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh 
(An Autonomous institute under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India) 
Virbhadra Marg, Rishikesh, UK 249201
Advertisement No. 21/02/2013(RIS)/Admn. 

Dated: 16.11.2013

Applications are invited from Indian Citizen for the posts of Dy. Nursing Superintendent,Assistant Nursing Superintendent and Staff Nurse Gr. - II (Sister Gr.-II) for AIIMS, Rishikesh on contractual Basis, initially for a period of 11 months or till regular appointment made for these posts.

1. Deputy Nursing Superintendent Grade: ‘A’ Consolidated Salary :- 41,500/- 
Upper Age Limit: up to 56 years  

2. Assistant Nursing Superintendent Grade: ‘A’ 
Consolidated Salary:- 41,500/- 
Upper Age Limit: up to 56 years 

3. Staff Nurse Gr-II (Sister Gr-II) Group: ‘B’ 
Consolidated Salary:-27,000/- 
Upper Age Limit: up to 56 Years 

1) General & OBC Candidates: Rs.500/- 
2) SC/ST Candidates: Rs.100/- 
3) Physically handicapped candidates: Nil 

The fee shall be paid in the form of a Demand Draft/ Pay Order only, in favour of AIIMS, Rishikesh, payable at Rishikesh. 

Last date for submission of Application:
The duly filled-in application along with necessary documents and application fee in form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order should reach “The Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh (Uttarakhand)-249201” on or before 09.12.2013 at 5.00 PM. 
Application received after the last date or incomplete in any respect or those not accompanied  by the documents/information will not be considered. The envelope should be super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF……………….” along with one stamped self addressed envelope



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