OSSC Recruitment 2014 Orissa

Friday, December 27, 2013

OSSC Recruitment 2014 Orissa- Junior Fisheries Technical Assistant, Laboratory Assistant, Industries Promotion Officer (321 Vacancies)
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) recruitment advertisement for the post of Industries Promotion Officer on contractual basis (post code- IPO/14) under the Industries Department. Eligible candidates are required to fill online application between 27th December to 27th January 2014.
Name of the Post
No of Posts
Age Limit
Consolidated Remuneration
Industries Promotion Officer
55 (19 posts reserved for Women)
21 to 32 Years as on 01/01/2013
Age Relaxation: 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/SEBC/WOMEN category. In case of Ex-servicemen the upper age limit is relaxable by the total period of service rendered in Defence Forces. In case of PWD candidates the upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years.
Educational Qualification: Degree in Engineering or Diploma from the Polytechnics or Engineering Schools of Odisha or equivalent.
Examination Fee: Rs.100/- for General & OBC category Candidates. The fees can be deposited either through online or offline mode using the Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode of deposit in the Treasury. No fee for  SC,ST& PWD category candidates.
Selection Process:
(i) Preliminary written examination (qualifying nature) -> 400 marks
(ii) Main written examination -> 300 marks
(iii) Viva-voce test -> 30 marks
How To Apply: Apply Online through www.odishassc.in on or before 27/01/2014 upto 11:59 PM. The hard copy of Online Application along with copy of the Treasury challan and enclosures reach to "Secretary, Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Barrack No.l, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054" on or before 05/02/2014 upto 5 PM. The post super scribing the envelope as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INDUSTRIES PROMOTION OFFICER" by Regd. Post/Speed Post.

IIT Delhi Recruitment 2014

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi invites applications
from qualified Indian Nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs)
and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) for the following Faculty /
Non-teaching positions in the various Departments/ Centres' Schools.
The last date for receipt of application is 28th January 2014.
Faculty Positions:
Post Name
Scale of Pay
Rs. 37400-67000 (Minimum pay of Rs.4800Q/-H AGP Rs.10500/-(Pay Band-4)
Associate Professor
Rs.37400-67000 (minimum pay of Rs.42800/-)* AGP Rs.9500'-(Pay Band-1)
Non-Teaching Positions:
Post Name
Scale of Pay
System Manager (SG) / Sr. System Programmer (SG)
RS. 37400-67000 (Minimum Rs.48000/-) + AGP Rs.10500/- (Pay Band-4)
Sr. System Programmer/System Manager
Rs. 37400-67000 (minimum pay of Rs.428QQ/-)+ AGP Rs.9500/- [Pay Band-4)
Sr. Programmer/System Programmer
Rs. 15600-39100 With AGP Rs. 8000 (PB-3) With Movement to PB-4: Rs. 37400-67000 With AGP Rs. 9000 after 3 years experience.
Junior Programmer
Rs. 15t>OD-3'J100 With AGP Rs. 6000 (PB-3) with eligibility of movement to AGP Rs.7000i- after 3 yea's.
Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
The last date of receipt of applications is 28/01/2014.

Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Recruitment

Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Recruitment–Trainee Officer 2013 / 2014
Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Recruitment In Trainee Officer Cadre 2013-2014
Thane Janata Sahakari Bank (TJSB), a fast growing and leading top 3 Urban Co-operative Banks in India is
hiring talented and aspiring individuals for the post of “Trainee Officer”.
Date of Online Exam – 25th January 2014 (Tentative)
Opening Date Online Registration – 10th December 2013
Closing Date Online Registration – 21st December 2013
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification - Candidate should be a Graduate from a Recognized University with minimum 50 percent marks.
Age Limit (As on 01st Dec 2013) - Minimum 20 years & Maximum 26 years
i.e Candidate should not have been 
born before 02nd Dec 1987 and after 01st Dec 1993 (both dates inclusive)
Application Fee : Rs.400/- (Non Refundable)
Payment to be made using only Master / Visa Debit or Credit Cards or Internet Banking.
Selection Procedure
Candidate meeting the eligibility criteria may apply for the post.
Selection will be 
done on the basis of an “Online Test” be conducted by the Bank. Successful candidates will be called for an Interview.
Selected candidates will be initially appointed on Training Period.
Emoluments for Trainee Officer – Rs 15000/- p.m approximately.
How to Apply -
Interested candidates may apply online through the 
TJSB website (www.tjsb.co.in – Career Opportunities) after going through the instructions mentioned in the advertisement. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Thane Janata Sahakari Bank
Corporate Office: TJSB House, Plot No. B-5,
Road No. 2, Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604

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