Planning Commission Recruitment 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Planning Commission Recruitment 2013 for the post of Young Professional: Planning Commission had truly made the vigorous enhance with the arrangement and setting up of natural resources and other possible assets. To judiciously preserve and to make the further progress applications are being invited for the post of Young Professional for which required details are as below:
Age limit: The age under the desired post is needed to be 40 years.
Educational Criterion Set: Academic which is mandatory from the applicants is the master’s degree or M. Phil in the subject statistics and with this experience is also needed at least for 3 years. Along with basic age the knowledge is also needed in computer applications such as the SPSS, MS Word, Excel or in the Power Point etc.
Grade of Pay: It is very important on the part of the Planning Commission to provide the attractive pay grade to reward the applicants while working and under the post pay scale is in between the Rs. 25000 to Rs. 40000.
Selection Method: The initiative process to get the assortment to start is screening test and elected applicants out of these will be called off for the interview session.
Scheme to submit an application: Planning Commission had make it known to the applicants regarding registration to mail the CV (curriculum vitae) within the stipulated date and time.
Important Date: Applications are informed the send the applications within the 15 days of the publication of the advertisement.
  • Date of the publication of the advertisement is 5th Dec 2013.

All India Institute Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Recruitment 2013

All India Institute Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Recruitment 2013 for the 228 posts of Technician, Assistant and other posts : All India Institute Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had the found to have the 228 posts of Technician, Assistant and other posts for which the required details are as below:
Specifics to be considered are as below:
Age limit and Educational Criterion Set: For the complete detail applicants refer to the official advertisement.
Fees Schedule: Fee which the applicants need to pay regarding the registration is the Rs. 500 for the general and OBC candidates and Rs. 100 for the SC and ST applicants by the challan and fee could be paid at any branch of state bank of India (SBI).
Selection Method: Online written test is the initiative method and it is to end up with the interview session.
Scheme to submit an application: Official website of the All India Institute Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is to follow by the applicants to fill the form.
Important Date: Dates in between which the process of online registration is to commence is 2nd Dec 2013 to the date 31st Dec 2013.

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