Hewitt Mega Walkin- Saturday-Gurgaon-B.E/B.Tech 2007/2008 Freshers

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hewitt Walkin on 24th January For 2007 / 2008 Freshers
in Gurgaon and Chennai

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Here is an opportunity for you to Earn Cash!!!!

Send us the referral job published in your company along with your mail id. We publish that job in the blog along with your mail id so that people send the resume to you directly and you can submit the same in your company to earn referral bonus.

Send us the job openings in your company to "mindgrill@gmail.com"

Happy Referring!
Team @ Mindgrill


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This blog contains the various IT and Non IT jobs. USP of this blog is that most of the jobs published in this blog are REFERRAL JOBS, which do not get published on any job website or newspaper or employment paper. Bookmark this blog or save it to your favourite or become follower of this blog and check regularly as every week there are new jobs published here.

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