Jammu Kashmir Selection Board Engineeers vacancies 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jammu Kashmir Selection Board Engineers 
vacancies 2014

Jammu and Kashmir, Service Selection Board (JKSSB) has published a recruitment notice for recruitment of 523 Jr Engineer (Civil), Jr Asst & Jr Steno vcancies.  31.01.2014 is the last date for applying to these vacancies . applications will be filled on omr sheets. please read the details given below carefully befor applying to these government openings in jammu and kashmir by jkssb

Public Works Department (R&B) : 418 posts
1. Jr. Engineer (Civil) :  418 posts
II. General Administration Department : 22 posts
2. Jr. Stenographer : 22 posts
III. General Administration Department : 83 posts
3. Junior Assistant : 83 posts
Total vacancies: 523
Required education :  3 Years Diploma in Civil Engineering from Government recognized Institute for post 1, Graduation from any recognized University having minimum speed of 65 and 35 words per minute in shorthand and typewriting respectively & Six months certificate course in computer Application from recognized Institute for No.II & III Posts.
Procedure of applying to jkssb vacancies
  The application form in OMR/ OBR/ ICR format along with the Envelops, Sample Dummy Form, Acknowledgment Card and the Instruction Sheet shall be available at the branches of J&K Bank Ltd for sale from 01-01-2014 at Rs.400/- (Rupees Two Hundreds only) per OMR form which includes examination fees also. jkssb admit card will also be available on the official website of the board after the exam. jkssb syllabus for the test can be noted from officail advt. JKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment Notification JKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment NotificationJKPSC Employment Notification
Procedure of selection by jammu kashmir selection board  :  Performance in physical/ type/ written test/ interview will be the basis of selection by jkssb recruitment cell. Eligible candidates can submit filled in OMRapplication form and photocopy of OMR form as well as certificates/documents in the concerned offices of the Board. The candidates applying through Registered post shall enclose attested photo state set of all the relevant documents/certificates along with the photocopy of duly filled in OMR form and send to the address mentioned in the notification on or before 31-01-2014.
Starting Date for Sale of OMR/ICR Application Form : 01.01.2014.
Last Date for Sale of OMR/ICR Application form : 31.01.2014.
Last Date for Receipt of OMR/ICR Application Form : From 01.01.2014 to 31.01.2014.

IOB Recruitment 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

IOB Recruitment 2014 Retired Bank Executives
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) Human Resources Development Department, Central Office, Chennai - engagement of Retired Bank Executives for faculty positions at Staff College, Chennai on Contract basis. Eligible candidates apply on or before 7th January 2014.
Post Name
No of Post
Retired Bank Executive (Credit)
Retired Bank Executive (Foreign Exchange)
Retired Bank Executive (Risk Management)
Retired Bank Executive (Behavioral Science, Leadership & Motivation)
Age Limit: 64 Years as on 01/01/2014.
Remuneration: Consolidated pay of Rs. 30,000/- per month plus other benefits up to Rs. 5000/- per month
How To Apply: Retired Bank executives of Nationalized Banks/State Bank of India or its Subsidiaries at the level of General Manager/Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager who conform to the following eligibility standards may forward their application to:
The General Manager, Human Resources Development Department, Indian Overseas Bank, Central Office, 763, Anna Salai, Chennai -600 002
on or before 07/01/2014.

Corporation Bank Online Application 2014

Corporation Bank Online Application 2014 -
192 Specialist Officer Posts
Corporation Bank Online Application 2014 – 192 Specialist Officer Posts: Corporation Bank has posted employment notification for the recruitment of 192 Specialist Officer Posts. Eligible candidates can apply through online from 20-12-2013 to 06-01-2014. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…
Corporation Bank Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies: 192
Names of Posts: Specialist Officer
Name of the Cadre:
1. Company Secretory: 02 Posts
2. Fire Officer: 01 Post
3. Marketing Officer: 100 Posts
4. Foreign Exchange Manager: 33 Posts
5. Secruity Manager: 14 Posts
6. Information Security Auditor: 12 Posts
7. Risk Manager: 10 Posts
8. HR Manager: 08 Posts
9. Economist: 08 Posts
10. Industrial Relation Manager: 03 Posts
11. Librarian: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates age should be minimum 21 years for all posts and maximum 45 years for post 1, 11, 35 years for posts 2 to 4, 6 to 10 and 40 years for post 5. Age relaxations are applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidate should be a qualified company secretary – ACS/ FCS with membership of ICSI, New Delhi with relevant experience for post 1, Graduate of the Institute of Fire Engineers with intimate knowledge of Hydrant System, Fire Detection System, Sprinkler Systems and Evacuation Problems for post 2, Full time MBA or PG Degree / Diploma in Management for Post 3, Graduation/ PG in any discipline for post 4, 5, Graduation with CISA and/ CISSP certificates for Post 6, 2 years PG Degree/ PG DM with specialization in HRM/ MBA and PM/ IR/ Labour Laws for post 7, 10, Graduation with PG Degree in Economics/ Econometric for post 8 and Masters Degree, M. Phil in Library Information Science for post 11.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Online Examination, Group Discussion and Interview.
Application Fee: Candidates need to pay Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates and Rs. 600/- for all others through online/ offline.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply through online from the web site http://www.corpbank.com/ from 20-12-2013 to 06-01-2014.
Important Dates:
Date of Online Registration: 20-12-2013 to 06-01-2014.
Payment of Application Fee (Online): 20-12-2013 to 06-01-2014.
Payment of Application Fee (Offline): 20-12-2013 to 10-01-2014.
Download of Call letter for Examination: After 07-02-2014.
Date of Online Examination (Tentative): 22-02-2014.
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements, other instructions, payment challan and online application, click on the links given below…

OSSC Recruitment 2014 Orissa

Friday, December 27, 2013

OSSC Recruitment 2014 Orissa- Junior Fisheries Technical Assistant, Laboratory Assistant, Industries Promotion Officer (321 Vacancies)
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) recruitment advertisement for the post of Industries Promotion Officer on contractual basis (post code- IPO/14) under the Industries Department. Eligible candidates are required to fill online application between 27th December to 27th January 2014.
Name of the Post
No of Posts
Age Limit
Consolidated Remuneration
Industries Promotion Officer
55 (19 posts reserved for Women)
21 to 32 Years as on 01/01/2013
Age Relaxation: 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/SEBC/WOMEN category. In case of Ex-servicemen the upper age limit is relaxable by the total period of service rendered in Defence Forces. In case of PWD candidates the upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years.
Educational Qualification: Degree in Engineering or Diploma from the Polytechnics or Engineering Schools of Odisha or equivalent.
Examination Fee: Rs.100/- for General & OBC category Candidates. The fees can be deposited either through online or offline mode using the Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode of deposit in the Treasury. No fee for  SC,ST& PWD category candidates.
Selection Process:
(i) Preliminary written examination (qualifying nature) -> 400 marks
(ii) Main written examination -> 300 marks
(iii) Viva-voce test -> 30 marks
How To Apply: Apply Online through www.odishassc.in on or before 27/01/2014 upto 11:59 PM. The hard copy of Online Application along with copy of the Treasury challan and enclosures reach to "Secretary, Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Barrack No.l, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054" on or before 05/02/2014 upto 5 PM. The post super scribing the envelope as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF INDUSTRIES PROMOTION OFFICER" by Regd. Post/Speed Post.

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